Prairie Beach


Image Description

This is actually a composite of two images. On taken a couple of years ago of some interesting sand formations on a beach giving the small-scale contour to this scene and another taken last may of a local prairie in bloom adding the grass and flowers. The two images, though one was taken with a cell phone and the other with a Sony A7Riv both had similar angles to the ground and perspective, so I couldn’t resist combining them.

Feedback Requests

Does the merged image look realistic?

Pertinent Technical Details

Sand image with a Google Pixel 6a, prairie image with a Sony A7Riv and Sigma 28-70 f/2.8 @ 28mm, f/14. I just used a very small section of the prairie image then downsized it to match the cell phone image.

Dennis: Oh this is very cool! Not sure how you did it but the finished result is marvelous. Most excellent. >=))>

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This is really well-done, it looks realistic for sure.

Dennis - excellent work! VERY realistic. Your vision and processing was unique - gives me some ideas…
The lines and textures are very appealing. I’d be tempted to crop out the upper whitish part to see how that works.
Really sweet image!

Huh, interesting image Dennis. I looked at the thumbnail for a while before opening up to the larger view trying to figure out what this was. I did not expect a composite, and it is cool. It almost looks natural except for and few locations.

You have such vision. These two images are perfect together. One would never guess the weren’t a whole. Either one alone might be mundane, but together they have pow. I love the curves and textures. I might be tempted to crop some from the top white area, but not a deal breaker.

Dennis, this looks great. The textures in the grass remind me of mud cracks or tundra scenes when I’m pretty sure that grass doesn’t do that…so there’s a strong “What’s going on?” feeling that’s inviting. The flowers adds well to the viewing, as does the darker bottom to lighter up top.