Predawn at Moraine Lake - New Order B&W Rendition

Black & White Rendition

Edited version of slide two

Original slide one

A Minute Later - Original slide two

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I couldn’t decide which version I liked better so I put them both in. These were taken at Moraine Lake in Banff NP, Canada before dawn. The shuttle bus from Lake Louise got us up there about 4:30 am, and dawn was set for 5:20 or so, if the clouds cooperated. They did! I am still processing more of the images I took that morning. These were taken with a bean bag on a rock for a tripod with a timer because, stupid me, I forgot the tripod, not just that morning, but at home when we packed to go for a three and a half week drive . . . argghhh!

Specific Feedback

Not sure which composition has the most impact, if either. I really like the dark imposing cliffs, the frosty trees on the rock shelves and slopes, and the mysterious clouds on top. This is not your everyday classic view of Moraine Lake.

Technical Details

  1. Canon 5DMiii, f8, 1/30s, iso 2000, 65mm (24-105) on bean bag with timer.
  2. Same, except iso 2500, and 45 mm, cropped to about 70% of original.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Ed, the first view emphasizes the blueness, while the frosty trees get more attention in V2. V2 also feels more open. It seems like it’s a case of choosing mood or view.

Ed: One of my favorite places on the planet and good on you for finding a good composition without the lake. I like both shots and like them even a bit more with a little less blue to bring out some of the color in the cliffs. Back to you. >=))>

Ed I love better the image 2 because is more comlete for a mountain landscape, at least for me. I agree with @Bill_Fach about lowering the blues for bringing more out the nice colors of the cliffs and the trees. Excellent angle and composition.

Thank you very much @Mark_Seaver, @Giuseppe_Guadagno and @Bill_Fach. Bill, I really like what you did with this to reduce the blues. It was taken pre-dawn and the light was pretty blue at the time. I will see what I can do to bring out more detail and color in the cliffs.

Really nice perspective on a beautiful place.
Mesmerizing mist and the early blue light is cool.
The vertical crop is perfect here.
I like both your originl version and Bill’s less-blue one - just a matter of taste, I guess.
Very well done!

Thanks again @SandyR-B. I took a shot at reducing some of the blues and raising the shadows just a touch in the second slide per @Bill_Fach and @Giuseppe_Guadagno’s recommendations. I definitely think it improved it.

I like this shot a lot. I wonder how it’d look desaturated slightly, or what a version would look like in B&W. Love the Canadian Rockies. Well done.

Thank you @Dave_Douglass. I’ve made a B&W rendition for the second image. I bumped up the contrast and the levels and reduced the shadows a bit more. Hope you like it.

Yes, Ed. I’m liking the B&W version a lot.

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