Yesterday I rode my bike through some crazy rainstorms. And there was a break between storm clouds to photograph a landscape scene I had been trying to get and then there was this rainbow just as I was getting ready to leave! So I stopped again and got my camera out of my pack ASAP and was able to get it in time! Before it disappeared and before the new set of storm clouds came!
Specific Feedback Requested
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400
ISO 100
Held vertical
Did adjustments to highlights, and mid tones and cropped a little bit off the bottom.
@Mark_Seaver I tried to add as much contrast as I could. It was a very faint rainbow and faded fast. This photo is about as good as I can get it. I guess what I’m saying is the end result is more vibrant than what it was…
Very nice, I like the mixture of clouds and sky, and a rainbow is always a plus. The trees are a nice touch. I added a little contrast as suggested by Mark. Hope you don’t mind.
Hi @terryb, no I don’t mind at all. But I think it looks fake and overprocessed. But that might only be because I was there. The skies and clouds were very dark and almost black behind me as a storm was coming after the previous one. But I guess what you and @Mark_Seaver are saying as onlookers that my image is too dark. So I guess realism doesn’t always work?
I don’t think your image was too dark, but it lacks a little “punch”, if you will, in my opinion. However, I may have given it too much. I think what is important is what YOU like, and what your interpretation is of what you saw.
I like this, Vanessa. I think I see what Terry was talking about, but for some reason his version is showing a strong blue color cast which is ruining the effect for me. If you wanted to do anything, I’d suggest just darkening the dark clouds a trifle to give them a slightly more menacing look.
@Dennis_Plank yes, Dennis I’m going to try that, because I do remember them being even darker than what they look like. I think maybe that’s what @terryb and @Mark_Seaver might be trying to tell me about contrast…
Thanks Dennis for the feedback!
@Dennis_Plank@Vanessa_Hill Yeah, Dennis, I agree it’s too blue. I’m not sure why. When I look at the image I saved to my hard drive, it doesn’t look that blue.