
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The sun had just risen and the color in this shot comes from side-lighted trees reflected in the stream. I’m not sure this is “abstract” but it’s not really a landscape and it has to fit somewhere.

Specific Feedback

The bright white water on the downstream side tended to dominate the shot. I tried to achieve a balance between the left side and the right side but I’m not sure how well I succeeded.

Technical Details

ISO 100, 71mm, f/11, 1 second.

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I have my doubts about this being abstract, but I like it a lot, Don. I think you did a fine job of balancing it. When I look at it my eyes are initially drawn to the reflected tree color on the left, then the follow the tongue of smooth golden water down to the white water which has many fine details to examine. An excellent image.

Thanks, Dennis. You’re seeing what I saw. :slightly_smiling_face:

Beautiful image, Don. I love the contrast of the smooth water on the left with the rougher whitewater on the right. The subtle color reflected on the left side of the image is also very nice.

Thanks, John. The color on the left is the foliage of a tree. It dawned on me during this trip that the quality of the reflections in the water depends on what’s happening above, out of the frame. It’s obvious once you think about it but I hadn’t thought about it.

Don, I would say this is more of a small scene or intimate landscape instead of abstract but I’m good keeping it here. The image does have some abstract qualities specifically the reflected patterns on the left side. The cascades on the right steal any hint of mystery but that is ok. Still a peaceful image!

To answer your question on balance, I think you did a good job with the tonality in the white water. I also like the strong diagonal line created by the rocks which separate the cascades from the calm water on the left side.

Thanks, Alfredo. :slight_smile:

Well seen. The gold water draining into the multi-cool-toned cascade is intriguing. Like you, I was not too sure about the somewhat stark difference between left and right side. I played with a yellow brush a little on the right side … on the rock in the middle, lower rock, and the quiet water in upper right. To me, the result had more continuity, while still keeping all the magic of the original.

Dick, thanks for the comments and for the suggestion. I may try it.