Reflections in a stream

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I spent a lot of time photographing some rapids in a small stream. My main preoccupation was getting the exposure time right. The right time depended on how fast the water was moving in a particular area. Also, I was photographing shortly after sunrise and the light kept changing as the sun illuminated more and more of the landscape.

Processing was minimal.

Specific Feedback

All feedback will be welcome. I love the curves here but that doesn’t mean anyone else will.

Technical Details

ISO 100, 81 mm, f/16, 1.6 second.


This is really cool, Don. I don’t think I’d have guessed stream without the title. I like the focal point of the rock and the way the image revolves around it.

Wow, Don, this is super! Not sure if it would be better, but maybe bringing up the darks in that middle strip would make this more abstract. I’m really not sure about that, though. (As Anne-Marie would say, I wish I’d made this!)

Dennis, Bonnie, thank you both. Dennis, I’m glad that the subject matter was a little elusive.

Bonnie, I tried lightening that gray area. I’m not sure what to think about the result.

Don, this looks great! Lovely flow and converging lines. This looks like an event horizon where water cannot escape. The dark rock and darker tones around it represent the emptiness and absence of light. I would keep it as is.

Thanks, Alfredo.

Hi Don, I agree with you and love the curves in this image, leading the eye into the centre where the protruding rock is. The image is definitely abstract and it inspires me to delve into the realm of abstraction myself! Really nice guiding lines through the image, tones and of course light. Cheers for sharing…!