Red Barn

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


On a recent trip to Norway, the weather was in full winter mode, which lend itself to very moody images, something I very much enjoy photographing.

Here, for me at least, the small barn gives the scene a sense of scale, the snow and overcast sky allowing the barn to be the star of the image, leading into the water and mountains behind it.

I think the negative space on both the bottom and top work quite well here. What do you think?

Specific Feedback

All feedback, as always, very much appreciated.

Technical Details

tripod, 1/13 sec, f/11, ISO 200, 30.5mm

Lovely composition! I think the negative spaces work well though I would enjoy seeing just a little more texture in the foreground snow.

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Fritz, is is definitely moody and isolated. I like where you’ve placed the red (??? :grin:) barn against the distant mountains. My first thought was to wonder how moving the barn closer to the llc would look, but as I spend more time looking, your comp. has it’s own benefits.

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Thank you, John. Glad you like the image. I will double check how much I cleaned up the snow in the front of the image.

LOL, Mark! Yes, I guess you can’t quite see the color in this version. I’m enclosing the original version which gave the image its name. For this larger crop, I played with the photo, and settled on this crop, taking in just a little from the llc up/in; any more of a crop, and the mountains in the background, at least to me, looked out of balance.