Red Breasted Nuthatch with Bark

This Red Breasted Nuthatch showed up for just a few seconds and I was very lucky to be able to get two shots. This is the first time I’ve ever seen a nuthatch with anything other than seeds or nuts in its mouth. In fact this whole scenario happened so quickly that I was unaware of the piece of bark in the beak until I started processing the image. Taken in heavily cloudy conditions at medium elevation of iso. It had been raining on and off.

As I am still adapting to the new sharpness in NPN 2.0, any concerns about the sharpness in this posted image. With some very careful cloning, I could probably sharpen up the right-sided OOF edge of the top third of the bark on the right side. Any other concerns?

ISO 1600, 200-500 at 440 mm, F10, 400th, -0.1 EV, fill flash at -1, D 500, tripod, 80% of full frame with crop, DxO photo lab, Topaz adjust, TK sharpening action at 20%

This looks superb to me as posted, David. The nuthatch was probably removing the bark to check for insects underneath. Great catch.

No nits from me either. Sharp, nice pose and action. The background complements the nuthatch and perch.

Hallo, David, agree with the others, the image looks fine to me as posted. Crisp colors, nice composition and interesting subject. Wouldn’t change a thing, and sharpness looks good on my screen! Cheers, Hans

Hi David,

Good capture. All elements of this image are quite good. The subject gave you a nice moment for capture. Well done!

Looks fine to me. I find the colors and composition fine. Can see no evidence of the flash at all.