I shot this at our local Botanic Garden. My strongest memory of the shoot was laying down on the cement in order to try and get the little bit of good background behind my flower. Also remember people stepping over me and thinking that I must be crazy. Shot with a D850, 105 mm lens at f3.2, ISO 100 1/400 second, handheld. I did take a little OOF flower out of the left hand corner, otherwise this is as shot.
(If the background has been replaced, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Beautiful Kathy. Looks like your extra efforts with regards to the background have been rewarded, very nice bokeh going on there. Really am enjoying the composition and contrasting colors also.
Very nicely seen and executed.
Kathy: Oh the measures we take to get a good shot! We had a bunch of these in our garden earlier this year and they are one of my favorite varieties. Really nice isolation of the flower against the BG. Great effort; great result. >=))>
I can’t decide which I like better, the flower or the BG. Absolutely excellent result for your trouble! (And the heck with what people might think!!) You got so much of the flower in focus and the BG is so beautifully OOF. I love how the stem softens toward the bottom of the frame. The tight crop works well to make the image unique and the slightly darker area at the top acts to keep the eye in the frame. 11/10!!
I have a bad left foot and a bad right knee. My getting up off the ground is not an exercise in agility but a slow process, Patricia. I know exactly what you mean!
A lovely shot, Kathy. What we as photographers won’t do to get a shot! Call us crazy. It as worth every bit of it, I’m sure, as you certainly came away with a nice image.