Red Fox, Male

I have had a Red Fox from time-to-time, but they never stayed long - until this one. This is his second year hanging around, and he has a mate. They DO NOT play well with the Gray Foxes.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 60D, Canon 70-300mm IS USM zoom, f/8, 1/2000 sec., ISO 1250, Av Mode, Hand Held. Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure, sharpness, NR, and color. Cloned a leaf and small branch out that was crossing over the fox.

I cropped this heavily and tightly in an effort to eliminate some of the busyness of tree branches in back of the fox.

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Hi Terry! Wow! You have an entire nature preserve right out your door! Beautiful photo. I hope you get to see little ones!

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Hi, Vanessa. Yes, I’m blessed with some reasonably abundant wildlife, which was my hope when I moved here. Thank you.

Beautiful subject and great eye contact.
You may add some more overall canvas around the fox.

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Beautiful shot. I like that he has nice light on his face to enhance those pretty eyes. Foxes give us such great eye contact. It does feel a bit tight but I understand the desire to cut down on the busy environment. Colors look great.

Hi, Terri. Thanks! Yeah, I don’t normally like to crop that tightly, but all a larger crop would have shown was more of that brush and limbs. But he was too beautiful not to post!