Red-winged Blackbird, Female

Suspecting a heavy snow, these birds gathered in large quantities around my feeders.

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Is this a composite: No
Canon 5ds-r, at f-8, 1/1000 sec. and ISO 1250.


Oh wow, John! This is so beautiful! I love the background and the berry bush she’s on. It could be in a book!

Very nice!! Lovely detail on the bird and the “perch” is awesome!

Really like the composition. Good detail and the contrasting colors in the perch makes for a great image. Nothing like getting a bird in a great setting. Well done.

A beautiful image, Wayne. Excellent detail in the bird and a lovely composition. The bits of snow in the plant and on the beak are icing on the cake. Well done.

Thanks to all, its worth the long wait in my “bird tent” to do well on NPN.

HI John
Really nice color, framing and detail. A real winter postcard.

Hi John,

Looks good and an unusual perch for a redwing. …Jim

Thanks to all, the threat of snow brought a great deal of birds to the feeding station and they land anywhere awaiting their turn at the best feeding station. Reminds me of my large family at supper time. My Mother called out “supper is ready!” we all headed to the table to seat ourselves directly in front of the chicken platter. Made the difference between a nice fried chicken leg or wing. Sooooo. . .the perch location is critical sometime.

The shot is so clear and the color of those berries just jumps! Congrats!