
The is a water surface reflection, and when sitting down looking at it you could easily calm down and start to reflect over life.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any comments are welcome!

Technical Details

I will not reveal the exposure settings, since when reading the exif data I have no idea why I have chosen the values stated. Must have been me not remembered to change a previous setting when taking this image.

I have softened the image a tad in the post-processing.

While it is a calming capture, Ola, I also find it quite curious. Even mystical. I’m wondering if I am lost in a cloud or floating in air somewhere. I certainly understand forgetting to change the settings from one photo to the next, but a lot of times happy accidents happen. As in this case. No need to apologize for the settings as I would guess, most of us have done that from time to time. Nicely done.

Ola, this is a nice abstract image. There is a sense of mystery as Linda mentioned. There is also a vague sense of scale which is quite nice. I’m glad you were able to sit for a while and observe. It’s amazing what our mind’s eye sees when we slow down. Keep up the awesome work!

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Ola, this is wonderful. I feel at peace looking at this. I also feel like sometimes I am looking at water, sometimes I am looking directly at the sky. Awesome.

Ola, So calming and peaceful. It’s amazing what is lurking and out there, just in the sky, clouds and all that is above us. Very simple, very impactful actually.


@Lon_Overacker, @Alfredo_Mora, @linda_mellor and @David_Bostock thanks for your kind comments. I am glad that your emotions are simular to the ones I felt and wanted to emphasize during the post-processing.