
Another “favorite” that I haven’t posted before. From our local egret rookery, last April during nest-building season. Most of the nests are hidden in the tops of tall eucalyptus so I have no idea what his wife did when he brought this limb in, but from the nests I can see, there is no room for this sort of structure. Don’t even have any idea where he GOT it – they normally visit neighboring trees and pull off much smaller branches. One time I captured one with a Camellia branch – not a native here.

Specific Feedback Requested

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon R5, 100-500 at 365, ISO 1600, f/8, 1/2000 sec. Minimal LR adjustments but did the TK Linear profile to maximize dynamaic range. Into PS for NR and some Nik CEP Detail Extractor for more tonal range.


Diane: This is spectacular IMO. Everything from the wing position to the light to the BG is marvelous. Most excellent. >=))>

Hi Diane
The photograph is great, just have to wonder what this Egret was thinking, when it pickup that stick.
The nest building in our local Portland, Ct. rookery, is done with smaller sticks.

Another excellent egret photo! Again, the stick elevates this to storytelling rather than a simple beauty shot (although it is beautiful).

Spectacular image, Diane! Talk about being in the right place at the right time. That stick is as long as he is and the detail in the white feathers of the egret is striking to say the least. No suggestions from me.

Thanks @Bonnie_Lampley, @Ed_Lowe, @Bill_Fach and @peter! I hang out near one of the nesting trees and shoot them as they come in with nesting material. Many branches are small and uninteresting, but every so often I get either a graceful one or a really BIG one. The good light window is limited to the hour or so after sunrise if it’s clear, or to the mid-morning fog clearing, so the good chances are somewhat limited. And the population has slowly declined over the last 10-15 years, as have the Osprey.

That’s quite a “stick”. Pretty amazing that the Egret looks to be carrying it easily. The fully spread wings add a lot to the view.

@peter, your Herons disappeared… I’ve been too busy to keep up here, but I meant to comment that your GBH obviously have more sense than our Egrets.

I’m always happy to see a thread enriched with other images, similar or contrasting!

A very Christian image.

A very unique and special capture, Diane! A great in-flight scene with excellent detail plus it displays behavior and tells a story. I love it! :clap: