Roadside Transitions

Wrangell St Elias NP
Sony A77II
Sony 70-400G @ 250mm
ISO 200, 1/60 @ f8

Another from the road to Kennecott. I was especially attracted to the transition from the relatively lush hillside to the harsh higher elevation. All comments welcome. >=))>

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
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I really like this, Bill. Excellent mix of colors, warm and cool and the canyon lines and textures are compelling.

Beautiful color transitions. I especially love the textures.

This works nicely. The textures, variations, and transitions are engaging.


Wonderful seeing with this and a great example of using a zoom in a grand landscape to isolate such gems of images.

Only suggestion I have would be to slightly burn down the diagonal edge of the yellow/green vegetation down through the bottom of the “v”. also, very minor, but the only red in the scene right of center is a bit of an eye magnet, but that’s minor.

Well seen and crafted.
