Saw this little guy hopping around the rocks. Hung out long enough for me to get my camera out. Very active little gut. I just liked the environment with all the rocks. Just basic adjustments in LR.
Cannon 7D Markll, Tamron 18-270, ISO 1600, 1/800, f/10, 270mm
any feed back is appreciated.
I, too, like the elements that surround this little bird. The comp is good and nice that he is in front of a relatively clear area of the bg. There is loss of detail on the bird so I’m wondering how much of a crop you did. But it’s an overall pleasing photo.
Hi, Charlie - welcome! Glad you’ve joined -
Really nice pose from this little fellow, and bright eye (always important). When viewed enlarged, the bird seems soft and “plastic”, so I’m wondering if it was a larger crop than your available pixels can handle. Too much noise-control might do this too.
To emphasize the bird, it would be good to darken both rocks and the grasses behind - all are a little bright and draw the eye from the bird.
Nice catch - and l’m looking forward to more of your images !
Hi Charlie. I have the same kind of observations as Terri and Sandy. A very nice pose and environment, but the grasses in particular draw the eye away from the bird. I’ve seen the odd look of the larger image caused by a combination of noise reduction and sharpening. Another possibility is if you saved your image in-camera as a jpeg instead of a RAW file. That can really limit the amount of adjustment available in processing.
Keep them coming, because I do like the pose and setting and it looks as if the bird were sharp.