Sanderling with Shell

Yesterday I went to the beach to see if I could see a Humpback Whale that has been around for a while (which is unique here). I saw it, albeit far away. So, I spent some time with my favourite birds: Sanderlings. This one had a shell attached to its foot. It didn’t seem impaired though. It was able to walk, run (picture), fly and eat. Hope it got rid of it… Thanks for any comments or suggestions. Cheers, Hans

Any pertinent technical details: Nikon D850 @ 500mm | 1/2000s | f5 | ISO140 | underexposed 2/3EV | me and camera on the beach

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This is certainly a unique bird image, Hans and very strange. I’m trying to wrap my head around just how in the world the shell was stuck like that !!??

Hello, Bill, I have only one shot from the back: it seems like the leg is stuck through some crack in the shell to me… (see attached image)…

A nice low angle shot of what must be a rare, if not unique, occurrence.

Besides the uniqueness, it is a very nice photo…
Great angle and color, the highlights which normally we try to avoid, match the shell and fit right in.
Great stuff!
Oh and the little drips off the front foot…

Your usual great angle, Hans, and a unique image with the shell. It’s odd how it got stuck on the foot. Did you manage to get an image of the other side?

Hello Dennis, no this is all I got … Cheers,

What a predicament this guy stepped into. A very nice image and I like the bokeh and water droplets originated from the birds unshelled foot. Well done…Jim