Description:I was photographing the Sandhill Cranes landing over the Crane Pool at Bosque in the late twilight. Some were coming in from the north and circling for their landing. As some crossed near the moon behind me I began shooting looking for some actually crossing with the moon behind. This is one of probably 50 “near misses”.
Specific Feedback Requested:
Fuji X-T3, 100-400 @ f9, 1/1000, iso 5000 214mm fee. Moderate crop.
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)
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I really like the arc of birds across the upper sky. Of course the silhouette against the moon is fab, too. If this is cropped you could go looser both in front of and behind the birds. If not adding canvas in Photoshop might help as well. Brilliant shot.
Gorgeous image, Craig! I love how you were able to capture the one crane silhouette in front of the moon and the rest are perfectly placed for you! As if it was choreographed!
This is definitely not a “near miss”, Craig. The moon looks great and the birds are well spread through the frame, including the one in front of the moon.