Sandhill (Snowhill?) Crane

A Sandhill Crane in SW WA. It has been snowing there for the past few days with more to come…
I think this image, taken mid afternoon under filtered sun/clouds has a painterly feel.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Any pertinent technical details:

iso 500, 200-500 at 500mm, f8, 320th, handheld, 80% full frame, ACR 11,Topaz Adjust, TK sharpening action at 5%

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

This turned out very nice David… I did not get any I liked at all.
The comp is excellent with the grasses on the right and a cool almost stalking pose.
Maybe a tad off the bottom and might get rid of the blonde grass sticking up on the lower right.
Getting some blue water beyond is a plus…

Very nice, David. I like your processing. The images I got of these were very low contrast and you brought it up nicely without getting carried away. You also got a more interesting head turn than I managed.

Hi David, I find this to be an interesting habitat shot with a nice pose from the bird which seems well framed by the other elements in the image. Nicely seen and taken.