The west coast of Tasmania is remote, wild and beautiful. The open grassland is scratched by small creeks that harbour stunted trees blown by the strong cold fronts drawn up from Antarctica.
Specific Feedback Requested Comments and criticisms always appreciated!
Glennie, those two (or is it just one…) trees make a fine focal point for this moody view of the extensive grasses (both in front and behind). The cloudy sky lets the foreground colors show well and adds to the melancholy feeling of late fall, with winter approaching rapidly. The two posts look the same, is that what you meant?
Bright grasses give way to amazing dead tree(s), but then the second act begins (for me) with the subdued but nicely detailed BG colored by the gray sky. I love the bit of ground that anchors things.
A nice grassland photo but the trees really steal the show in this shot, Glennie! The colors are interesting as the foreground grasses look very normal while the background scene looks extremely pale, gray and dead (including the trees). The dark gray clouds almost amplify the near b&w affect. The striking shape and complex structure of the trees is definitely the focal point though.