While I was checking the fresh water mudflats and shallows for peeps, I saw a few of these hunkered down and nervous in the weeds and was disappointed they were so skittish. But this one popped up from the bushes, took a point position near me and enjoyed the low sun while I got a few clicks in. I took the shot in a horizontal format but during Lightroom processing thought it looked better cropped as a vertical.
Specific Feedback Requested
All critiques and comments welcome. Too much plant?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Nikon D7100, Nikkor Lens 200-500 @360 mm,equivalent 540, f8 @1/1250, ISO-800
What a sweet image. Sweet little bird with a lovely soft background and interesting foreground.
I wonder if you would consider lightening the image slightly? I might also consider a crop off the top, but I wouldn’t want to lose a pixel of the delightful background. Maybe a Edit>Transform>Distort to bring the top down and perhaps the same from the bottom edge just to bring all the lovely elements a bit closer?
Agree with @Dick_Knudson and @glennie. A crop keeps enough of the abundant pink blooms setting off the sparrow, at the same time bringing that well-lit bird closer. Lovely image.
@Mike_Friel@Dick_Knudson@glennie Thanks for you input and comments. I have a few images of the sparrow from the same point of view but slightly different poses. And I do I like the ones where the bird is larger and gets top billing over the plant. I favor your crop rendering, Dick .
Thanks @Peter_Morrissey@David_Schoen I appreciate your opinions, comments and input. During processing I liked the plant and was pleased that it stayed in focus as well as it did. But I think the final rendering will be a horizontal or square featuring the blossom cluster and the larger bird.