Sea Grape Leaf + Repost

(repost is below)

intertwined forest
connected micro macro
backlit leaf reveals

Found while hiking near Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge.

Specific Feedback Requested

Practiced some edits, but none seemed to be improvements. Open to ideas.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
iphone 7+, iso 20, 3.99mm f/1.8

REPOST (with top and bottom cropped)

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Hi Ben,

This backlit leaf makes for a nice macro subject. I would crop a small bit from the bottom to remove the leaf edge which is not essential to your composition. Well done…Jim

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Ben, I like what you saw and captured here. The texture and lines in this image are pronounced nicely with the back lighting. I think maybe if it were my image, I might try crop off the bottom just enough to remove the bright vein on the lower left, which will also remove the edge of the leaf near the stem and the curve that is a bit out of focus, as well as a bit off the top to remove the bright vein in the top left corner of the image and just see if that would improve the image even more. Just some thoughts. I love images like this. It could even make a nice B&W image, I would suspect.


Thank you for pointing out those details. I noticed the bottom one but was not sure. I missed the URC. I agree with both.

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I think it improved it. I will add + Repost to your title so others will know you edited it.

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Ben, this is a good capture, with the strong contrast between the veins and the leaf. As you see in the cropped version, subtle differences in a view like this are often very distracting. The only other “improvement” would be to get the camera completely parallel to the leaf. Then you can get edge to edge sharpness (provided you’ve got enough depth-of-field). The cropped version looks very good even with the slight loss of sharpness along the bottom.

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Thank you Mark. Your comments are helpful and inspiring.