Seasonal Transition Strathfarrar

Strathfarrar, Highlands, Scotland

Some of the sweetest conditions you could ask to photograph in terms of landscape photography is during the transitional phase of the seasons. Here the high mountains are receiving their first dose of winter snow providing a monochromatic upper section whilst beneath radiant colour and autumnal sunshine backlights those glorious golden birch and evergreen scots pine trees in the magical glen of Strathfarrar

Fuji XT-1, 55-200 zoom, 0.6ND Hard Grad, f/11 at 1/30 second ISO 200.


Golden yellows and grays are one of my favorite color combos. The colors are balanced and do not appear to be overly enhanced. Well done…Jim


For a brief moment… I thought this might be the Eastern Sierra… ahh, but then I noticed, where’s the rabbit brush and sage? :thinking:

Great job showcasing the diversity of the landscape in your neck of the woods. Beautiful autumn scene that I would be hard pressed to offer any critique or suggestions. The balance between the glowing color and monochromatic mountains is just right - a terrific transitional nature story.


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I like the colours here with the warm yellows near the bottom and the greys near the top but what really catches my attention are the four bare (dead) trees that are silhouetted against the mountain. Just beautiful!

Beautiful photo Ian,
Nothing beats the contrast between autumn colours and snow covered peaks. Even though I have never experienced something like that myself.
I think that everything is done very tastefully and I can’t think of much that might need a change. The only thing that comes to mind is to crop a bit of the bottom and top part of the photo to focus more on the bare trees and contrast between near and far.