Seasons First

shooting from home continued …

This globe wanderer came in search of light, or just decided to stop over at night. Used a flash with diffuser.

Was on the wall by the stairs, and i had to stand at a very awkward angle…

6D2, 180 Tamron, ISO400, 1/40, F14

Outstanding color, quality, and detail. A real eye-catcher.

Balan, I don’t know what dragonflies like walls, steps, anything cement or brick, even when it is hot. I’m so glad that you posed for you though. He is a nice looking DF, and you did well with the DOF and lighting. Great details where they need to be.

Thanks Shirley. Probably the rains and the fading light brought this one into a human shelter.

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Balan, the details and colors in the df look great. It’s body looks translucent. It’s perch is good for a grin. An excellent effort in an unusual setting, limited by circumstances beyond your control.

Hi Balan,

I like the soft lighting of this shot and the sharpness is consistent down the length of the dragonfly. Overall, I like the simplicity of the composition. Well done…Jim

Balan: You really did well with the flash as it is not overt and the lighting looks very natural. Marvelous capture. >=))>