
What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any pertinent technical details:

The flowers of delphinium look in all directions. Back lit, a small bush in the background.
D850, Nikkor 200mm macro - 1/8, f/18, ISO 250

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Excellent composition, Gigi. The combination of the paleness of the blooms and the backlighting produces an interesting effect-almost like the blooms are transparent. The background is perfect for this subject.

Oh, this is wonderful! The high-key look is perfect for the delicate transparent blossoms. And the composition is so graceful.

Excellent work. No nits.

The faint yellow background goes very well with the blue flowers. Great detail showing all the lines in the flowers. A very pleasant arrangement. Simply beautiful.

Gorgeous Gigi!

Your processing is flawless and makes the petals look like they are so delicate that if touched they would break apart into a million pieces. No nits here.

Gigi: Masterful rendering of a beautiful subject. Superb image. >=))>

I will content myself with agreeing with the others. Nice work!:ok_hand:

Another outstanding piece of art, Gigi.

Gives me an impression of ice, love it