Sheeps Pass - PANO

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


3 vertical images panoramic from a sunrise on Sheep’s Pass.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Mamiya RB67 ProSD - Mamiya “C” 65 mm lens - Velvia 50

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Hi Paul. Lovely image you have shared with us. There is just something about Velvia… It takes me back.

Paul, the “texture” in the rocks really grabbed my attention. Then you’ve got the gentle warmth of early light in the clouds contrasting with the ruggedness of the rocks.

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@guy @Mark_Seaver
Thank you both for your reviews and comments on this scene. It was one of those BOOM mornings at sunrise and thankfully I had enough time to swing thru several panoramic exposures… :sunglasses:
Maybe some day I’ll try and count all the rocks in this massive formation to see what I come up with… :clown_face:

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Oooooh! I love the colors in this warm wonderful velvety image Paul. Great detail in the rocks too. Clean, simple and oh so smooth.

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I still love the Velvia colors after all these years. I am also enjoying the warmth and amazing details you captured in this desert landscape. Great job with the pano BTW. No suggestions from me.

@Ed_Williams @Ed_Lowe
I appreciate you both making a comment on this scene… :sunglasses:
As a side note; this rocky area was once used by big horn sheep. Many years ago now I was lucky enough to see a solitary sheep in Joshua Tree NP, but unfortunately none since that sighting… :cowboy_hat_face:
The park this late in life is fairly encircled by mankind. I suspect any wildlife migrations are extremely limited, sadly… :hot_face:

Paul: I’m not sure if I like the details in the rocks or the overall color palette of the image best. The combo makes for a terrific image and, like some others, makes me long for Velvia again. Marvelous shot. >=))>

this was one of those Velvia 50 mornings for sure. Our monsoonal seasons in the area of JTNP can bring about some wonderful “reflective” sunlight sunrises… :sunglasses:
Although I do still have a box of V-50 in 4x5 and several rolls of 120 I’d moved onto primarily using the available Ektachrome 100 the last 2 years… :cowboy_hat_face:
I do really like the E-100 for that extra 1 stop in speed, something V-100 had but was nowhere near the quality of V-50 IMVHO… :thinking:
Thank you as always for your review. Very much appreciated… :+1: :+1: