Shield Bugs


My personal computer gave up on me, eventually after a decade. Ended up with a new PC . The calibration is still not in place, but could not wait processing, as i felt behind time, not connected to the natural world.

These are some type of shield bugs, have seen them for the first time, and they are on a 6 feet tall almond tree leaves. The were turned upwards naturally.

6DII, Tam 180, ISO800, F11, 1/160, Morning backlight

Balan Vinod

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Those are very cool. I’ve tried to get shield bug nymphs, but they’ve been too quick for me. The image looks a bit on the magenta side, but otherwise pretty nice. Sharp. Maybe deepen the shadows a bit and a touch of exposure?

Balan, I am sorry to hear of your computer troubles. We sure have missed you and your nice images/critiques on here.

Really colorful bugs. I don’t remember seeing them before. You did a fine job capturing all four together. They are very interesting in shape and color. I also like how the veins on the leaves draw my eyes downward to the bugs, and then go out of focus, as well as they are all on the brown portion of the leave, so there is a separation there as well. Nice.

Balan: Really neat critters and a fine capture. I might crop some from the bottom but that’s a pretty small nit. Well done. >=))>