One of my favorite winter shots of 2020. Thompson Pass, Alaska gets some of the deepest snowfalls in the world and typically, after it snows, the weather clears and the cold heavy air of the interior flows like a river through the pass on its way down to the Port of Valdez to displace the relatively warm, wet air from the ocean. I love it when the sun comes out and lights up the mountain peaks on the Pass. The low angle of the sun results in lots of bright highlights and shadows that emphasize the drifts and ripples that the wind creates.
Technical Details
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Sony a6300, SE1670Z @ 36 mm, ISO-100, f/9.0, 1/1000, hand held.
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Wonderful graduations of the contours Gary. Also love the lines created by the contours leading to the URC. The contrast between the minute evergreen trees in the foreground and the massive mountain is impressive. Truly spectacular region where you live.
Another beauty form this past year, Gary. That side lighting really shows off the contours.
Gary, it’s easy to see why this is a favorite. the long curve of the mountain rising from the lower left, the glowing ridges, the scattered trees and that bit of blue on the left come together very well showing off a chilly day with scattered touches of sun. Looks like a fine day to be out and about.
Stunning image Gary! My personal preference, totally subjective, would be to add a bit more contrast. But it is gorgeous as is.
Best appreciated enlarged to really get a sense of scale. Thanks for sharing Gary!