What technical feedback would you like if any? Nothing specific. Curious what people think.
What artistic feedback would you like if any? Whatever.
Pertinent technical details or techniques: Handheld, no tripods allowed.
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Sucks that we could not take our tripods on this day because the light was amazing. Just curious what you all think.
Quite a nice slot canyon image, Bobby. Great light and color and your comp works well. I might try to draw out a bit more detail in the dark shadows in the LLC if they are there. Not much needed but just some hint of detail. If not, not a huge thing. Very well done.
Bobby, this is an excellent image. I really love the composition, it makes the viewer feel like they are being pulled into a vortex of reflected light. And I love the colors and WB you used here, it looks perfect to me.
If you don’t mind, I would suggest a few tweaks, although admittedly some of them are a matter of personal taste. Here is a rework reflecting my thoughts. I would open up the shadow slightly, and lower the luminosity of the golden triangle at the top. I used a TK L3 LM to darken the triangle, and a TK subtracted mask D2-D5 to lift shadows without losing contrast. I would also do a slight crop from the bottom. For your consideration, here is my rework.
This is a wonderful subject and a nice abstract. I feel, however, that there is too much darkness compared to light in this image. One way is to selectively dodge certain areas but as a quickie I just did a crop to increase the light to dark ratio. Also, in these images the light to dark boundaries are the most attractive parts where as different shades of dark are less so.
I think Igor’s crop really finishes the image for me. The transition from dark to light and the analogous red to yellow compliment the texture and shapes for me.
I really like the crop that Igor did. I was going to say, I wish you had panned up, I dont like how the brightest part of the scene, where my eye is lead to, is up smashed against the top edge. Having so much down below intensifies that. Cropping it gives it a bit more breathing room and it works better for me. One other thing I noticed is that it just feels a bit too red overall.
Wish I had known more about composition back then. This was from 2017 but it’s the best light we’ve ever had in our visits to this canyon. Thank you for the input Eric!
Great image, it does make me fell like I’m walking into the slot canyon myself. Love the colors and textures!
I also like the crop that Igor did and I’d be happy with that version. I’m a fan of 4x5 for my vertical images, I reworked with a crop for that aspect ratio. I also cropped to lessen the amount of brightness in the upper left and reduce a little of the sand in the foreground. I also boosted the brightness a little to try and bring out more details in the shadows and emphasize the light coming into the canyon.