Small Butterfly

Specific Feedback Requested

This is cropped 1:1. I wondered about the texture on the wings with butterflies with this kind of detail, so I pulled back texture in LRC a bit.

Technical Details

R7 100-400 ii f/4-5.6 w/1.4 extender. 504mm f/9 iso 1600


Wonderful photo, Dean. I found it interesting because I just had a few of these visit our backyard just a couple of days ago. In a search on iNaturalist, this type of butterfly was ID as a Common Checkered Skipper. I like the detail and colors you’ve gotten in your capture, looks very much like the photos I got. Nicely seen.

Ooh another good one! What a nice pose. And a raggedy little thing. We consider them so fragile, but they seem to withstand much more than we give them credit for. Wish the head/eyes were in focus, but if I had to pick one I guess I’d have done what you did and gone for the wings. What a terrific little creature.

Dean, I like how you captured this little guy with his ragged wings open. I too wish the eyes were more in focus, but I’m enjoying the wing spread with the lovely designs.

I just discovered focus guide on the camera so I will try that. The AF gets me there and moving the focus manually might help. I tried eye tracking, LOL, that did not work.

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