Small World - updated

I used a Gimbal on a tripod to help me from shaking so much these days. I like the setup, but there need to be a lot of butterflies around since moving around is harder.

Specific Feedback Requested

I didn’t do much with post processing expect darken and desaturated the background to bring out the butterfly. Is the butterfly still a little bright

Technical Details

Canon 90 180 macro 1/250 f/16 iso 1000. DOF can be tricky with a macro and butterflies are jumpy. So I went with 16

Dean, I love the colors of this little guy. Not familiar with this type, but he is marked well with complimenting colors. I think you did well with the BG and the harsh light. I’m wondering about the composition. He is almost centered, so wondering if you cropped a bit off the left and the bottom if that would improve the composition a little. I like how the flower stem in curved at the bottom and coming up, so that might change that. Maybe someone else has a better suggestion. It is a nice shot, and great details in the BF.

Your suggestions helped @Shirley_Freeman

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They sure did - I like the updated version although I still think it could use some room on top. Hard to do with these tiny guys. A kind of skipper I think, but I’m not an expert by any means.

Just out of curiosity, which gimbal did you go with? I’ve been thinking about adding one.