Skipper on the lake

I was in Victorville CA looking for dragonflies and found this little butterfly. I think it is a skipper of some type but I see then often.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 90D 100-400 ii plus the 1.4x extender. ISO 500 1/200 f/13 HH no flash.

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Dean, I’m pretty sure you are right, that this is a skipper of some sort. Yu did a fine job capturing the details in this little guy. This works for me as presented.

Beautiful image, Dean! I love how detailed the little butterfly is and then the flowers and rest of the bg are softly out of focus, it really makes the skipper stand out nicely!

Nice. Skipper is nice and sharp. I like the composition with the inclusion of all the flowers and placement of the skipper.

Hi Dean, As already mentioned above, I like the subject placement on the top of the flowers. Well composed. Nice sharpness on the skipper. Colors look natural to me. Well done.

The other folks have critiqued the image well, Dean so, I’ll just say, nice capture.

Thanks @terryb , @Allen_Sparks , @David_Leroy , @Vanessa_Hill , and @Shirley_Freeman . I have been trying to bring out the subjects more with things I am learning in Photoshop. Some insects really land in a great position but awful spots as my next bee post will show.

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