Skipping Along

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Was out hunting dragonflys in our garden and also spotted this little skipper working over our salvia. It’s a little over an inch long and I was lucky enough to catch a decent pose handheld. I continue to be amazed at the image capturing capabilities of modern systems.

Specific Feedback

Had to clean up the BG a bit but still a bit busy. I do like some of the BG colors. Your thoughts?

Technical Details

Sony A7rIII
Sony FE 70-200 f28 GM-II, 2xTC @ 394mm
ISO 1600, 1/50 @ f11 HH

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Beautiful, Bill. Your depth of field is fine and I like the location of the focal plane.

This is so nice. Great colors in the flower and BG that really bring attention to the butterfly. Really nice sharp details in the head, torso and wings.

I love the sharpness of the butterfly and the contrast of blue and brown. If I had great patience, I’d clone out all the grey-blue BG to the left of and below the skipper and replace it with green - but that’s a big ask!

Bill, the butterfly and the flower look great. The waterdrops on its wing are special. I would burn-in the bright bit between its wingtip and the bottom and try some mid-tone dodging on the wings to give them a bit more attention.

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Nice catch Bill, I like Mark’s idea of dodging the wings to help separate them from the BG. Fine image either way.

Bill, this is a fine shot of the flower and the skipper. Details in both are really good. I think @Mark_Seaver gave you some good advice. I am so hoping I can get out and take some macro shots soon. I did get out and get some bird shots while up at the camper, but no macro.

Excellent image of one of my nemesis bugs.
Agree with Mark’s suggestions to turn this from excellent to superb!
I know this is a late reply, and it will bring this to the “latest” images, which will confuse a lot of people…