Small falls

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was photographing a large waterfall and found my eye coming back to this small one, off to the side.

Technical Details

ISO 125, f/16, .6 second

1 Like

Don, this is a very pleasantly inviting small scene. The angled golden grass and the long white trails of the falling water look great. I also think you’re centering of the three streams works well. The details in the rocks on the left and the dried grass on the right tell me that this is a small, interesting part of a larger scene, that was probably nice by maybe not a nice as this intimate look.

Thanks, Mark. I’d say you saw what there was to see in this one. :slight_smile:

Lovely. I like the way the water appears to be emanating from the grass.

Very nice intimate image. Sometimes the details are more compelling than the larger scene. The warm color of the grass is a nice contrast to the cool colors in the rock and water.

Bonnie, Dean, thanks for the comments.

Nice, well composed, intimate scene.

Thanks, Michael.

Hi Don — I love this image! The contrast of the textures (rock wall, water, and grasses) is wonderful. The gold of the grasses looks like a crown for this lovely scene. Beautiful!

Thanks, Susanna.