Snags at Mammoth & repost

mostly “more brighter mist… :grin:

In spite of starting into my files thinking of a snowy river scene like the one posted by Tony, I quickly found that one of the coldest, snowiest Octobers in Montana history provided plenty of opportunities for snow scenes from Yellowstone. This b&w version that emphasizes the dead snags killed many years ago by hot water flowing across Mammoth’s upper terrace. (5D3, 24-105 @ 55, 1/125, f/16, iso 200, tripod and polarizer)

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Cool stark landscape image. Very minor but I wonder if there is a way to make the steam look a little whiter? I am really enjoying this one.

Mark: Stark indeed and the B&W enhances the effect nicely. I agree with Harley that making the steam more prominent would be good but I’m not sure how one would go about it. Your Yellowstone work is really making me :nauseated_face:with envy. Nicely done.>=))>

@Harley_Goldman, @Bill_Fach, fascinating that you both picked on the mist brightness. I’ve already spend quite a bit of time “bringing it out”. Took lots of work with single and mixed luminosity masks to separate it from the sky. Now that I’ve got the original post, it’s a straight forward single mask dodging. As I see it, I don’t want the misty area on the right to have the same brightness as the clear sky on the left

Stark came to my mind too! Nice “ghost” you brought out too :blush: