Two from covey in orchard with new snow. Overcast.
Forgot to mention: cropped to about 70% of original and added contrast.
This is really nice, Jim. The quail on the snow just work great. I think a tighter crop might work even better, but that’s a judgement call and the snow is an important part of the image.
Hi Jim,
nicely composed and I like these beautiful birds against the white. Stunning subjects and well captured. I was expecting to see more detail in the surrounding snow. Snow detail seems only to be present in the bird’s shadows. Was this intentional? The image works for me as a strong high key but was just wondering.
Allen, High key was intended. Thanks for commenting and noticing.
Dennis, I just cropped so it placed the birds in the upper left from original middle area. Didn’t think about greater crop, but pretty good idea. Thanks.
I love the image design and the poses of the quails. Image quality of the birds looks good. For my taste, I’d prefer the snow to be less bright. When I open the image, the brightness of the snow distracts from the quails. I’d also try and open up the blacks around the quails’ eyes. They seem a touch too dark.
This is really cool. I really like high key approach. Amazing detail, color, and composition.
Love this! Perfect for a Christmas card. Excellent color and detail. Consider adding a catchlight to the eyes?
Interesting image. I am a sucker for high key nature photos. You may try to use shadows and highlights with a mask to pull up a little more details on the faces of these quail. Does not need much and may help reveal the eyes better. And it does not need much. I also love the composition as is. Well done…Jim