Snow, sleet, freezing rain, etc

Just to clarify… This image is of full grown trees bent by the weight of the ice. Front row are white birch bending to the ground.

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any and all greatly appreciated…

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any Taken with Canon SX60, ISO 125, F4.5, 1/50 sec.

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(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

I really am enjoying this image. This mode and tones are wonderful. I also really like the comp to include the variety of plants and their “posture” with the freezing rain on them. Very nice.

Patricia, I am enjoying this scene from the comforts of my warm home in the south! I don’t do well in ice and snow. Have broken bones trying to walk in it! But this is beautiful the way you captured the bent plants. A true winter wonderland! Very nice. I do miss seeing the snow (we rarely get it here in NC), but since I can’t seem to stand up in it, it is best that I view it on my computer screen! Thanks for sharing. :+1: :+1:

Patricia, I like the high key presentation here. It appears that you converted the image to sepia which works well. Excellent.

From the thumbnail I thought it was an infrared image. The composition and overall presentation are wonderful Patricia.

Beautiful, Patricia. I could see an alternative presentation cropping off the small right tree. For me, both work equally well.

I like this a lot just as it is, Patricia. Beautifully captured and processed. Really nice!

Patricia, no nits from me…I love this scene as presented! This tells a wonderful winter story, beautifully done!

Excellent image - the standing tree in the lower right corner completes the image perfectly! As a thumbnail, I was thinking it was a little off-balance until I opened it up and found that tree in the bottom right. Perfect scene and great shot!

Very nice, Patricia, I love seeing the winter Birches taking their icy bow. You have really presented wonderful detail in their branch structures.,very strong composition. Much more appreciated in the larger format. A small thing though, did you consider eliminating the upper right part of the frame. The small triangle of open white space doesn’t add to the icy drama depicted. This is a great winter scene and I am reminded of the Robert Frost poem regarding the rider of birches.

@Stephen_Stanton this image also reminded me of the Robert Frost poem.

Patricia, what a wonderful image that tells a great story. That was one nasty ice storm, and your image does a great job of showing its effect. I especially like your processing, this almost looks like a painting. This is a gorgeous image, I like it as presented, it captures an unique moment in nature.


Not only is nature beautiful… but it’s quite hardy and resilient. Your image is beautiful - a winter wonderland, but also tells a wonderful nature story.

Subtle, but I also like the lightness around the edges - would that be an anti-vignette? :slight_smile:

No nits or suggestions.


Thank you for all your comments. Glad you enjoyed. Lon… no vignette. Should have added fog to the title!

Patricia, this is a great shot of the storm laden trees. The mix of mostly bright with scattered darks works well at keeping me exploring the entire scene. It does look like quite the storm!

The bright presentation is beautiful and in-your-face! I really like your placement of the trees bending. A special scene!

This is lovely, Patricia. The high key presentation works beautifully and I love all those intricate details on the ice laden limbs of the trees. What really makes this special for me is the bending trees; almost as though they are bowing to the approaching winter season. Beautifully done.