This series of four images was taken a couple of weeks ago when it was snowing heavily and the wind was blowing strongly, knocking the snow off the trees. This Golden-crowned Sparrow took the full brunt of it, but it didn’t seem too bothered.
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Sony A7Riv, FE200-600 @ 600mm, Gimbal head mounted to blind, all shots at f/8, 1/500, iso 1600, manual exposure. The processing of these was very minimal They’re cropped to approximately 6200x4500 pixels and other than that I used the local adjustment brush in LightRoom to paint some Dehaze over the bird in the first and last images. No noise reduction and just the default sharpening for web from LR.
I love this! What a cute story! I love how you captured the snow falling too in the 1st and last images. It’s amazing what such little creatures can endure!
Hi @David_Leroy. I knew there was a big wad of snow coming off one of the firs. I didn’t really see the detail of the sparrow getting hit-it was just too fast. It wasn’t until I started reviewing that I realized it had actually gotten smacked that way. There was a lot of snow coming down and blowing around-the ground feed got covered pretty quickly even under the roof I have over it, though not deep enough to keep the birds from scratching through it.