Snowy Egret

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any pertinent technical details:

Continuing down my old south Texas photos. Shot this at High Island.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

200-400mm VR1 + 1.4x tc @ 550mm
ISO 1000

Cropped a bit for comp., resized to 1500 px for posting, selectively sharpened the bird, and reduced noise on the BG. I also used a lights 1 luminosity mask to dodge the bird just a bit. All feedback welcome.

1 Like

Beautiful gliding flight image, Lyle. I’ve been to Smith Oaks twice but never got anything this nice. Very nice work.

Hi Lyle, I really like this image and I think it is harder to get a flight shot of one of these smaller egrets then it is the larger versions such as a great egret. I like the fact that your background is nice and simple no distractions and the bird look sharp enough to my eye. I love the wingspread. I like your placement of the bird in the frame as well, I’d have done similarly though I know some prefer more real estate for the bird to fly into. But it doesn’t bother me. I think you did well flight shots are the coolest and this ranks as way cool in my book.

Excellent wing position and superb background. The bird pops quite well in this image. The overall composition is quite pleasing.

Very nice flight pose and excellent detail, Lyle. it really pops from the dark greens of the background.

Hi Lyle,
Very nice frame. I like the diagonal of the bird through the image and the contrast of the white against the background. Nice one.

Perfect pose, exposure and nice BG… no nits from me…

Gorgeous Lyle
Very good detail on the bird, nice smooth background. A winner - no nits from me.

I think this a a great shot. Love the pose, and the contrast. Absolutely swell.