
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Great Egret (Ardea alba)

I think this is a nice environmental shot of the egret in a low water lake. I purposely zoomed back to get more of the surrounding water. I hope it works…

Specific Feedback

Certainly anything you notice would be welcome, but I am really curious about the colors. They’re pretty much out of the camera using the camera’s auto white balance. I have a new tool that I can use during processing that gives me the actual color names when hovering over the image. Much nicer than trying to interpret the RGB color values. Let me know what you think.

Technical Details

364mm, 1/800 sec @ f/7.1, ISO 320

Aptly titled. I think the scene conveys a quiet, peaceful mood. Good choice to include more of the environment. Colors look good to me.

1 Like

Hi David, this image combined with your title sets the mood for this image. Nice exposure on the egret and well composed to suit your purpose.

The colors look fine, David. A very peaceful scene. Very well done.

@Allen_Brooks, @Allen_Sparks, and @Dennis_Plank thank you for the kind responses. I’m glad the colors look good.

Simple, elegant, and great work with a tough lighting situation to capture the details without blowing out the whites.

I really like this one a lot, David. Colors are very soft, and natural looking to me. The whites are spot on. I love the environmental approach you took for this image. Nicely conveyed. It has a VERY pleasingly calm look to it.

Thanks David. Much appreciated.