Song Sparrow in Morning Light W/Repost

Updated with a bit more room, desaturate the vine, and increase the mid tones in the bird:

Original Post:

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)

I know these are very common birds in the Pacific Northwest. Still, I like this particular portrait.

Self Critique (click to reveal)

I like the comp, and the pose, with the sideways glance and the sunlight on the eye. The background is defocused and I did remove a few distractions.

Technical Details

600mm, 1.200 sec @ f/8, ISO 200

Wish I had a dollar for every shot I’ve taken of a Song Sparrow. I like the pose and the detail is great. I like the light on the sparrow. Aesthetically a pleasing shot. I might tone down the red of the vine as it seems to overpower the bird a bit. How birds can land and avoid those sharp thorns is amazing.

David, this is the first critique I’ve tried with the new 4 categories. Let me say straight away, I don’t have the will-power NOT to click on the fuzzy Self Critique box in advance, but that’s just a personal thing. As you want an Aesthetic critique, I have to say that I found the fact that the bird’s bill was a bit obscured by its position struck me at first as awkward - but on viewing the bird large, it looks more comfortable and relaxed. I also thought that there could be more space around the edges, that the bird was a bit cramped. But I love the glance, and the colours!

Oh what a beauty! Sparrows are such engaging little bits of fluff, aren’t they?

It’s such an appealing shot even if those thorns look formidable, that I had to see if I could bring up a little more detail and brilliance. I know you don’t use Photoshop, but I included the layer stack so you could see what I did and maybe replicate it in, is it ON1?

Mostly I just felt that a lot of the color and mid tones were blocked. I’m not 100% happy with it, but it’s a step in the right direction I think. Gorgeous little creature and the light is to die for.

I like the pose of the Song Sparrow, David and I’ve always been fond of blackberry perches. I have no problem with the nice warm light-that’s probably what it was. It does feel a little crowded to me.

@Kris_Smith and @Dennis_Plank thank you both for the comments and suggestions. I really do appreciate them.

Kris, I like what you did with the mid tones, but I also feel that the result lost a little of that warm early morning glow. I’ll play around with the mids again.

Dennis, thanks it is a bit tight, mainly due to the other blackberry vines crowding the bird. I’ll take a look at a different crop or clone scenario.

Thanks again.

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@Allen_Brooks, @Mike_Friel, @Kris_Smith, and @Dennis_Plank thanks again for your comments. I’ve made a few changes and posted a rework up above.

Thanks again.

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