Sony A77II
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 200, 1/25 @ f16
Not only within 30 miles of my home, but about 30 feet out my front door. Shot these little guys yesterday. They’re about the only thing showing any color in our garden. They grow under our azaleas and in the afternoon sunight filters through to create some nice lighting challenges and opportunities. All comments welcome.>=))>
Yes, Bill, stepping into the backyard for some great photography has major benefits. 30 feet, 30 miles, aren’t they pretty similar distances… The centers of these two flowers are very interesting. The colors and your positioning also look great.
Sweet, Bill, but I’m a bit jealous that you have any flowers in your garden. We have a bit of a wait yet. The spotlight in the upper left flower looks like it might have gotten just a bit hot on the white areas.