A relatively cold, rainy month in Borego Springs. I went out to Ocatillo Wells and into the back country. Things are beginning to sprout, basically Dune evening primrose, Desert sunflower and Verbena. I had to add a few clouds. First clear day we have had in a while. I think it will just get better as it gets warmer. First time here so, don’t know if this should be Landscape or Floral. To me it was about the flowers with a nice mountain background.
Canon 7D Markll, Tamron 18-270, 42mm, 1/125sec, ISO 200, f/22 on a tripod with 2 second delay shutter. LR and PSCC.
All comments are appreciated.
I like the composition with the positions of the clumps of different species leading to the predominantly yellow background, Charlie. I do wish the dark bush in the left middle ground weren’t there as it interrupts the flow of the flowers for me. Exposure and depth of field both look very good.
I see what you mean. The problem I had was capturing the white flowers that were lined up there. I will go out next week and take another look. They will be even better as we get into March. I do appreciate the feed back. Thanks.
Charlie: Wonderful scene. I played around with this just a little to open the shadows. For me it diminishes the impact of the bushes and brings out some texture in the mountains. >=))>
Must see large to appreciate the detail and feel the impact. I would love to see a true horizontal or even a pano of this scene. I hope some day to see such a field of flowers.
Great idea. I did just that and much better. i know that Dennis did not like the Creosote bush but, once lightened up, I think it is less of a distraction. The mountains are better also. Thanks.
Wonderful floral display and desert landscape image.
I was going to mention I thought the contrast was a bit high, but then again a bit appropriate given the bright desert light. I think a version between your original and Bill’s edit would work nicely; perhaps closer to Bill’s, but maybe a 1/2 stop less in luminosity?