Spring Vine

Like the suggestion on frame @Kris_Smith . Repost with edit. I think it isolates the flower better also.

Specific Feedback Requested

As a B&W not sure I was able to make the flower the focal point or not? If not how would you isolate this more? Any feedback appreciated.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No


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Oh starflower! I love these guys. To isolate more, maybe include less of the frame. A square crop maybe? Although the line of plants, twisting along and then the one with the flower…it’s there, but maybe not as emphasized as you want.

Mario, your repost with a more tighter crop increase the quality of the image a lot. Well done!

Thank you. I also now cloned out the whit spot next to the flower to simplify that. Not sure what that was but now gone.

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I think the white spot was a second starflower that was at an angle. I think this subject works really well in B&W, you got great separation of the plants from the background. And I like the S-curve arrangement of the flowers, I think it creates an interesting composition, which is very nicely balanced. My only nit pick is that the image looks somewhat soft, both the flowers and the background (so my guess is that it is not due to wind creating subject movement). Is this a significant crop of the original image ? It’s almost like the larger version of the image doesn’t have enough resolution.

Ed, I could not find the original image so worked from a smaller jpeg. I guess that is why it lacks the resolution.