Steamboat geyser in Yellowstone is one of the worlds tallest when it erupts. It often goes for many years without eruption. In 2018, it started erupting steadily (about every 5-7 days). Catching it in action can mean spending days waiting or you just got very lucky. In this case, we visited during a cold spell in the afternoon after a morning eruption. I was struck by how the icicles had turned the nearby trees into fantasy castles. There was almost no color in the original file, so the b&w conversion was easy. (5D3. 24-105 @ 85, 1/40 s, f/16, tripod, cropped to 8.5 x 11)
Great icicles on the trees. I would be inclined to either crop out half the steam or all of it. The steam seems to block me from really concentrating on those great trees. Good choice for B&W and a fine entry for the challenge.