Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Late afternoon, Port Royal Ibis out for a walk before roosting for the night.
Specific Feedback
Struggling with the whites
Technical Details

The dark background really sets the Ibises (what’s the plural anyhow?) off well, Steve. I wish the one darker one facing us was as light as the rest, and that the other three were walking at an angle slightly toward us instead of away but you can’t control that. An interesting image.
Interesting shot Steve with all the birds lined up like this. Good choice of f10 to get all the birds sharp.
To maintain proper exposure on whites in constant light, I generally shoot in full manual mode for ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. I use highlight warnings (“blinkies”) to show any overexposed areas and adjust my settings so the blinkies are barely not showing. This will properly expose for the whites on the subject regardless of changing backgrounds. In one of the auto modes, different exposure compensations must be continually dialed in to ensure a proper exposure if the BG changes significantly.
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Neat shot of the strolling ibis Steve. Looks like you were on the right track to controlling the whites with t5he -2.7 EV.