Summer Remnants

Fall colors are a bit late in Michigan, so while out scouting I was drawn to the marsh scenes and the dwindling lily pads that slowly disappear back into the water.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any, does this composition work for you?

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Single image, 100 ISO, 105mm, f11, 1/13sec

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Your minimalist view looks great here, Alan. If the log wasn’t there these might be flying saucers… The log anchors the view in reality and balances nicely with the negative space on the right.

This works very well for me, Alan. It has a very zen like quietness that is very appealing. No nits from me, I love it.

I like the concept and the final colors/contrast. I’m just not sure about the log. It feel like it interrupts the serenity and flow of the rest of the image. Hard to say though. That corner might also feel a bit empty if it’s gone. Maybe close the log and replace it with a couple leaves?

Thank you @Mark_Seaver and @Gary_Phillips for taking the time to offer your thoughts. @Tony_Kuyper the log initially grabbed my eye and the thought of not including it did not occur to me. I do agree that the corner may be empty without it and the balance may be off as well. I really do appreciate your feedback.

I agree there is something zen-like about pads in still water, and I like the subtle lighting you used to add to that. I too think the log breaks the flow a bit; I don’t dislike it, just suspect I would prefer it without.

Alan, I like this composition a lot. A thought as far as the log is concerned: perhaps if you burn the submerged part of the log a little bit would make it less noticeable in the image.

@John_Williams thanks for the candid thoughts. I have a few files from a different perspective and I will look at them without including the log.
@Adhika_Lie, thanks for the comments and suggestion to burn down the log, I like the thought and will give it a try.