Sun Bomb

Specific Feedback Requested

All comments are welcome.

Technical Details

337sec f/16 ISO200 10 stop filter


This is a wonderful shot. I love how the large boulder in the middle FG leads you to the three beautiful boulders in the water. The different shapes of these boulders adds interest to this image. The sun bomb just tops it off with those explosive rays and the gentle mist in the water gives it a mysterious feel. Great job on this composition. If there’s any suggestion I could make it would be that there is a light line that goes through the middle boulder in the water. It stops my eye. Maybe darken it just a bit.

Stunning cloud formation and reflections, Andre. Very nicely seen.

That is just surreal, Andre. Wow.

@David_Bostock @linda_mellor @Donna_Callais Thanks for the comments. Donna, I actually brought it down quite a bit; but I agree, I think it can come down some more. Thanks.

WOW! 5 1/2 minutes of exposure! (Does anyone else remember the days of reciprocity failure?) What a gorgeous scene, rendered so beautifully!!

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Thanks for the feedback Diane.
Interesting read on RF.
It must have been a quite a challenge with the longer exposures.

This looks great Andre. The composition and light play well together here, and I like the water texture (or lack thereof). I like just a touch more detail in the shadows, especially that foreground rock, but that is likely subtle monitor variation or viewing background. (It’s better when I view it with a black background.)

Amazing Japanese flag sky you have here. A couple of crop suggestions to overcome the dark bottom right corner. One is a square image that includes all of the left and excludes the large rock on the right. Another would be a crop off the bottom to create a more panoramic composition.


This is outstanding! That’s an impressive exposure and even more impressive results. Love this image.

No nits really as this is presented. I think it might be easy to wish the rocks on the left had more luminosity, but actually there is good detail in there and honestly, looking directly towards the sun, those rocks are naturally dark - so no, I have no suggestions there!

I actually had just about the same thoughts on crops as Igor just mentioned. The pano crop helps to emphasize the rays in the moody sky. I thought a crop of the left as well which brings in all the nice ghostly detail among the rocks… but that well placed rock surrounded by those cool, cool tones… I just can’t see eliminating that.

Fabulous image! Thanks for sharing it with us.



@John_Williams @Igor_Doncov @Lon_Overacker Thanks for the comments.

I played around with a few crops, but I like the solo rock on the right.
I think it adds a good balancing interest against the pull of the sun.
The bottom right corner was quite dark but I didn’t want to increase the exposure too much. It started to feel off.


337 seconds. Wowzer. No wonder you got those streaking sun beams. Well done. I like the rock on the right and would leave it as is. A square crop would certainly work but it would eliminate those long sun beams heading out of the right side of the frame. A pano crop would also work but I like the original concept you’ve posted here. I actually like the last image you posted with a white and blue sky. Nice job on this one.