
Specific Feedback Requested

any and all welcome

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33mm f/11 1.6 sec iso 100

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I’m kind of a mind that I think it needs to be abut 20% brighter so that the eye is led from the LRC to the LL base of the mountain, into the sunlight URC. I did lighten the trees a smidge but tried to leave most of the other tones as you posted them. It’s just like an idea and not meant to disparage this fine image.

This is a great scene Mario. Is this in Colorado?

I agree with @Chris_Calohan on brightening the image. The fall colours and the cool coloured sky works well for me here.

Very fine image Mario. Looks like your workshop is paying off. I prefer the original darker version. We’re not seeing much of the creative images you’re known for, on this trip.

Mario, That is some wonderful color and a beautiful scene. Your post looks fine to me but I do like it a bit brighter as Chris showed. Both beautiful!

I also like the original as well as the suggestion–the two might be the same shot at two different times of day. The colors are wonderful!

Thanks for the comments and rework Chris. I feel like the original post accomplishes the line you mention. I was judicious in applying some radial filters to the aspen nests to do so. I think the general exposure increase also looks good however.

Thanks Igor. It seems workshops provide a great opportunity to learn but limit your opportunities for independent time to be more creative. When I do others I am planning on staying a day or two extra to do exactly that.

THank you all @ariella @Nick_Bristol @Nathan_Klein for your comments…appreciated

Beautiful image, Mario! Such a great composition and colors!

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It looks like you had a very productive trip to Colorado Mario, it looks like it gave a great chance to stretch your grand landscape legs. If you don’t mind me asking, who did you take the workshop from ?

I like the composition, and the fact you have aspens with a nice mix of color stages. However, I do prefer it slightly warmer / bright as shown in the rework by @Chris_Calohan .

Thanks Ed. The grandscapes are new to me so it was fun. Joseph Roybal led the workshop but technically a Dan Ballard workshop. I am doing Moab - off road jeep workshop with Dan in a couple of weeks and really looking forward to that. No iconic spots.
BTW you have been conspicuous by your absence!!