The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
There’s a place where I always have good luck spotting raptors while driving along that area, and yesterday evening I just happened to drive thru that spot right at sunset when I stopped to shoot this guy with the sunset at my back lighting him up while taking off. This was my favorite pose of the ones I captured.
Specific Feedback
The cropping? I played with different positions and settled on this one. Does it work for you?
Technical Details
Z9, 180-600 lens, 1/2500th, f 8.5, hand held, 675mm, ISO 2200, cropped to 3165 x 2504.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Very nice capture! He does have a suitably rapt expression. Dramatic light and pose, good sky color. I like the crop/framing, with the subject centered but that’s just my thing. Others will want more room on the right. A small nit is that it has the look of a bit too much NR. It looks like from the specs that it might not have needed much. Just curious what you are using?
Really nice light and I love the shadows of the primaries on the body, Dave. Personally, I’m leaning toward looser crops these days, but that’s strictly a matter of personal preference.
Dave, a really nice catch! Great pose and eye.
Seems like too much NR here, as the hawk is pretty “smooth” and soft.
It’s cool that you have a tried-and-true raptor place!