Surfs UP

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Not the greatest conditions for photographing-but the wave action was special. Very high offshore winds was holding back the beakers and blowing of the tops and the gulls were almost standing still.

Specific Feedback

Any and all are appreciated

Technical Details

Sony a7rm3 1/1000 sec. f11 100-400 4.5 5.6 lens


James, This speaks of the power of the wind. It is beaautiful . Your shutter speed was probably fast enough to get the gulls in focus, but I bet the wind also helped slow them down. The play of the complimentary blue and orange is stricking. This would not be nearly as interesting if the gulls did not fill the space in the sky. Who needs clouds when you have gulls? The rock in the lower left of the picture isn’t complete. Did you crop this picture? It is so hard to not crop out something in scenes like this. I tried croping in just a bit on the bottom leaving a little of the water at the bottom of the next rock to the right . Then I cropped in on the left of the picture taking out about 1/2 of the rock. I then burned the highligts over that rock and just a bit along the bottom of the picture. The picture is lovely just as it is. My edit is only my humble reaction to an already beautiful scene.

@Jmill59, did you shoot this just for this theme? It fits so well! The gulls really work great against the otherwise featureless sky. The spray coming from the tops of the waves is also great. Maybe I’d consider brightening up the spray with a dodge brush, but that’s about all I can offer by way of critique. Very nice!

This image was captured several years ago ===I was attending a photo workshop

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Hello James! I really like this as it conveys a lot of movement. So much so that I can hear the waves crashing and the gulls calling. I like the colors too. Nice capture!