An adult Bald Eagle appeared to be irritated with its growing crowd of dining companions and decided to leave the scene with the remains of its sushi dinner. This is one frame from a 4 frame series that I just posted in the Avian Showcase category. The series is a follow up on my earlier post of the “Fish On!” series.
Specific Feedback Requested
Technical Details
Sony a6500, FE200600G @ 600 mm, ISO-250, f/6.3, 1/3200, hand held.
Hi Gary
You truly have the man in charge here. A well shot photograph of nature in action. Color, Detail and Framing are nice.
Great take-off shot, Gary, and I love the open beak. Having that foreground gull in such perfect focus adds a lot to the image. I’m amazed you got that much depth of field wide open at 600 mm, but then to have full wingspread, you were probably quite a distance away. My 200-600 came back from the shop Friday, so I’ll have it up and running probably tomorrow.